A composition of the Beast intro screen using screen grabs from the STe version

This is a recreation of the title sequence from Shadow of the Beast, for the Atari STe. The Amiga original adorned the shop window of almost every computer retailer in the early 90's and became a showcase for the machines capabilities.

This version uses the additional hardware of the Atari STe to recreate the same 12 layers of parallax scrolling, all the Copper raster effects, the moon, blimp and tree sprites and — just like the Amiga original — it runs on a stock 512k machine.


An Atari STe, Mega STe (8 or 16 MHz), or an Atari emulator with at least 512Kb RAM.


The download is a ZIP archive containing a .TOS file, which can be launched from the desktop of your Atari STe.

Download ZIP

Atari STe remake: Shadow of the Beast title sequence

Personal Achievements

  • 2017 Web Designer Magazine: CSS VR interview
  • 2015 JS1k – winner
  • 2014 Net Awards: Demo of the year – winner
  • 2014 Net Awards: Developer of the year – longlist
  • 2013 Public speaking for the first time
  • 2011 .net Magazine innovation of the year – shortlist

Referenced in…

Smashing CSS, CSS3 for web designers, Programming 3D Applications with HTML5 and WebGL and more.

My work is referenced in a number of industry publications, including books and magazines.